Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hal's Summary

Last July before I broke my humorous in two places I had the OKFree in mind. Dad had told me about the great times he had in 1998. After my fall, I did not think I would ever be able to accomplish this goal. In December I decided that I would at least try. I mentioned it to Dad and then Dan. I think Dan actually drove Dad and I to complete the task by recording his training activity. We had to live up to the expectation. Dan, thank you. I could not have made it without your help.

It was a long ride. There were times when I wanted to quit. There were times when I thought I was way out of my place. But, there were more good times than bad. I think my most memorable moment was during one stretch on Day 4 where I was all alone on the road. All I could hear was the wind, birds, my tires and my breathing. It was at this particular moment that I was able to see the beauty that God has placed on our earth, the strength and good health he as bestowed on me and the privilege to live in the most beautiful and blessed country on earth. I grew closer to my family and much closer to God on this trip.

I will do the Oklahoma Freewheel again. I can't wait for my kids to get a little older so they too can experience the event. Thank you again Lynn for letting me do this. This was on my bucket it's off. Thank you Dan and Lori for coming so far and making this a truly memorable week. And thank you Dad for overcoming many things to join us. I thank God that we all arrived in Kansas safely.

If you're interested in 2010 OKFree we are looking for riders now!

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