Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 6: Pawnee, OK to Tonkawa, OK

After spending the night with Uncle Ralph I was fully refreshed.  Our trip took us from Pawnee through Ponca City to Tonkawa.  On the way we passed Sooner Lake, the Marland Grand House in Ponca City and 10 miles of very flat country.

Leaving Pawnee we had a south-southeast tailwind for the first 5 miles.  We then made a left onto County RT 15 and encountered several rolling hills.  I felt great at this point and was actually able to rise out of the saddle and power up some of the hills.  At the end of RT 15 we came upon Sooner Lake.  The land is flat enough here to see the lake from a great distance away.  Our second rest stop was just short of the junction of US 177.  At 8 AM the wind was blowing hard enough to blow the fruit off the tables at the rest stop.  Most riders couldn’t wait to head north.  Don and I left the rest stop together and averaged 25 MPH for the next 17 miles.  We flew.  After lunch as Subway in Ponca City we turned back south into the wind for 2 very difficult miles.  Turning west we had 10 miles of flat riding into Tonkawa.

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