I was surprised how fast the packing list added up. 70 pounds each is a lot (not including the bikes too!), but I think we managed to get close to maxing out. Hey, you have to have your own fresh roasted coffee (Ipenema Dry Process), Turkish grinder, and Jet Boiler -- don't forget the decaf either (Costa Rica). Oh yeah, and a charger for your Kindle, and your cell phone, and your camera, and your computer, and your bike motor. And of course then there are the Hammer gels, and GUs. Oh yeah, and the plush Thermarest and chair combo. Did I mention extra batteries for the Polar GPS unit? Film for the Leica? Naw, no film or Leica. Just checking to see if you made it this far.
Anyway, it's packed. Now it's just a matter of getting it to the airport, on the plane, off the plane, and home. Then, build up a couple of bikes. Sort through everything and leave it behind -- except for the coffee of course. After all that, it will be time for a ride.
We're all excited for this trip. Oh by the way, they cashed our check so we are even official.
Hey, funny thing about the bike boxes above. The big one is Lori's little bike, and the little one is Eddy. Not what you would expect. Not what Eddy expected either. I heard some pounding and muffled harrumphing after he was packed. Those Belgians can be so demonstrative.
C U Soon Okay? Free to ride at last.
Looks like the luggage rack on the van will get some use. See you this afternoon...