At the finish.

OK in our rearview mirror.

Dad and Hal crossing the state line into Kansas.
Well, it looks like I will be the first to blog our success. It was quite a week for all of us. Lori and I basked in the ambiance of the OKFree culture, and Hal and Dad scaled their personal mental and physical mountains. I’m not sure who was challenged the most. Lori and I had a great time at OKFree, and are very grateful we were able to participate.
It is a marvel to watch the diversity of the community; and to watch it face each day. Ride 60+ miles, okay. Get up at 4:40 a.m.; no way (for us). Stand in line to take a shower; why not? Climb unexpected hills and fight North headwinds that should have been tailwinds; uhm, okay. Grimace through saddle sores, neck cramps, and numb contact points; oh, okay. Eat spaghetti three nights in a row and not get eggs the next morning because you slept past 6 a.m.; OK4sure. Choose your own route because your agenda deviates from the collective’s; OK, you’re Free to do that. Be friendly and respectful with/of your fellow participants; OKFree is all about that.
It was also great to spend some time with my Dad and Bro’. It has been over 25 years since we have faced daily challenges together. While it was obvious as the week progressed that we cope in our own ways, it was also great to work together and for each other to make the week go better for all. Thanks Hal and Dad for all that you did to help Lori and I fit in and survive the week.

And finally, thank you to my lovely, wonderful wife, Lori, for joining us. You are my ultimate companion and friend. Oh yeah, and thanks for taking it easy on me while we were on the road. :-)
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