Summary -- By Hal IV
2010 Freewheel is over for this year and just as last year it was great. Sure we had some hills to climb, hot weather to endure, rough roads and one wasp sting to overcome but Dad and I road every mile from the Red River south of Hugo, OK to Joplin, MO. Dan joined us in Heavener, OK and rode the balance of the Freewheel. Congratulations to the organizers of the event for putting on a great ride and a very reasonable price.

Overall, I put 459 miles on my odometer. I think there is about a 5% error in my measurement so the actual distance was closer to 436 miles. This includes all Freewheel planned miles plus the several trips into town for dinner and other reasons. The course was hilly but not so challenging to discourage another attempt next year. I did have one very serious mishap on day zero but will get to that shortly. The weather cooperated with rain only in Heavener and this was overnight. It was hot, but what's to expect of an Oklahoma June.
June 12, 2010 Hugo, OK to the Red River and back
The 2010 Oklahoma Freewheel proves to be a challenge fror all. My OKFree started off on the wrong foot. Leaving town, not two miles from camp, I took a nasty spill. A man was crossing the road and yelled at me. I turned to acknowledge him and must have move my handlebars. Into the curb I went. I fell hard on my right shoulder and head. It appears that nothing is broken but I am very sore in my shoulder and rib cage.
I decided to get back on the bike and ride on to the Red River; 1) to determine how I felt and 2) to check my bike out. The 9 miles down to the river were uneventful and the 11 back were with the wind. Everything seems to be functioning okay. The bike is fine, I just hurt really bad. I am more comfortable on the bike than in camp. moving around is very difficult. Lesson: Don't talk to pedestrians when your travelling 20 MPH.
I will post more from my journal soon along with some pictures.
2010 Freewheel is over for this year and just as last year it was great. Sure we had some hills to climb, hot weather to endure, rough roads and one wasp sting to overcome but Dad and I road every mile from the Red River south of Hugo, OK to Joplin, MO. Dan joined us in Heavener, OK and rode the balance of the Freewheel. Congratulations to the organizers of the event for putting on a great ride and a very reasonable price.
Overall, I put 459 miles on my odometer. I think there is about a 5% error in my measurement so the actual distance was closer to 436 miles. This includes all Freewheel planned miles plus the several trips into town for dinner and other reasons. The course was hilly but not so challenging to discourage another attempt next year. I did have one very serious mishap on day zero but will get to that shortly. The weather cooperated with rain only in Heavener and this was overnight. It was hot, but what's to expect of an Oklahoma June.
June 12, 2010 Hugo, OK to the Red River and back
The 2010 Oklahoma Freewheel proves to be a challenge fror all. My OKFree started off on the wrong foot. Leaving town, not two miles from camp, I took a nasty spill. A man was crossing the road and yelled at me. I turned to acknowledge him and must have move my handlebars. Into the curb I went. I fell hard on my right shoulder and head. It appears that nothing is broken but I am very sore in my shoulder and rib cage.
I decided to get back on the bike and ride on to the Red River; 1) to determine how I felt and 2) to check my bike out. The 9 miles down to the river were uneventful and the 11 back were with the wind. Everything seems to be functioning okay. The bike is fine, I just hurt really bad. I am more comfortable on the bike than in camp. moving around is very difficult. Lesson: Don't talk to pedestrians when your travelling 20 MPH.
I will post more from my journal soon along with some pictures.